Buy a solar system and become independent?

Buy a solar system and benefit from high-quality solar modules! We will show you how you can obtain our products for your house roof or for commercial projects.

PV system for your home

Have you noticed that more and more houses in your neighborhood have solar panels on their roofs? Green energy is becoming more and more important and allows a great deal of independence with regard to the extreme development of electricity prices. The difference to conventional energy sources is clear: solar power is not harmful to the environment.

Would you as a private individual like to find out more and purchase our products?

Use your commercial space

With an average of 2,025 hours of sunshine in 2022, Germany is generally a sunny country.

This is why more and more businesses are turning to solar energy and want to make use of the available space.
The advantage here is also the utilization time. While electricity consumption in private buildings is often higher when the sun is not shining, the opposite is usually the case in commercial buildings.

6 good reasons: The advantages of solar power


Solar power makes you increasingly independent.


Unused space is utilized and the value is increased.


They make a significant contribution to environmental protection.


Solar systems have a long service life and low maintenance costs.


Solar power is the cheapest electricity available.


The sun’s energy is inexhaustible.


Solar Fabrik Partner

Would you like to work with us as an installation company in the long term and become a Solar Fabrik partner?